In a society obsessed with attention, in a constant fight to gain it, the same attention became paradoxically a distraction. The exhibition “Ultrabanale” at Leica Galerie aims to stress the fundamental role of boredom in observing the world with new eyes. Boredom is a condition of eternal or transitioning dissatisfaction that can help find a new, contemplative approach to life.
The artists exhibited in “Ultrabanale” portray everyday life moments, provinces, and the obvious. The observers must ask themselves the meanings behind the images, and why the photographers chose to capture that precise moment, object, or person.
Curated by Maurizio Beucci, the exhibition title refers to one of his collections of images, and he desired to share its name with artists who can transform the banality of life into something extraordinary.
Francesca Tiboni
The exhibited artists are:
Alessandro Chiusa | Andrea Cristiani | Antonella Catanese | Chiara Rebolino | Davide Bernardi | Diego Rigatti | Eolo Perfido | Federica Sessa | Francesca Tiboni | Gabriele Capelli | Grégoire Kaufman | Greta Gandini | Guido Argenta | Ivan De Francesco | Ilaria Petrosillo | Lorenzo Adaglio | Marco Facciano | Marco Parenti | Maurizio Beucci | Max Allegritti | Marzio Emilio Villa | Paolo Guido Riganti | Piero Percoco | Pietro Baroni | Rinaldo Ventura | Roselena Ramistella | Tiziana Pennacchi | Velvet De Guia
January 30 – March 29
Leica Galerie Milano
Via Giuseppe Mengoni, 4, 20121
Tuesday – Saturday 10.00 AM – 2.00 PM; 3.00 PM – 7.00 PM