Today is my birthday! I thought I’d share some reflections on a new year.
I’m not a big celebrator of birthdays. I never want anyone to feel the need to “celebrate” me but I do appreciate a little self celebration. In the past 10 years I have gotten married, had a baby, bought a house, then had another baby, then another, then moved to a completely new place, started over a little bit, watched my babies grow, became a new version of myself, as a wife, a mother, again and again (and shared it all on the internet). I’ve tested my marriage through lots of growth and change and I’ve watched myself crumble and get back up and persevere and transform.
I was looking at myself in the mirror this morning and I thought about how many times I’ve picked myself a part over the past 10 years. Whether it was being postpartum, meeting new mom friends, sharing my life on the internet, feeling insecure about my body, moving to a new place, fear of disappointment or a negative comment or saying the wrong thing. And when I looked at myself in the mirror this morning I just felt proud of the person I was looking at. And that is all I really could ever ask for as I enter a new year. I feel proud of who I am.

I have a love/hate relationship with growing older and time passing but I feel so grateful for my life in this moment. And in case you need the reminder, life is too short to feel less than. Your potential is limitless! And more often than not, the only one holding me back from life is myself. I’m excited for a new year of choosing to believe that I’m enough, that I am an amazing mom and wife and sister and daughter and friend. That’s all I need!
Thank you for being here for all these years, being a part of my family and this support group. My life would be exponentially different (and more lonely!) without you. xoxo