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The amount of requests for our wallpapers to come back has honestly been mind-blowing! I always sort of worried that they were cheesy but if I’m being honest, life needs cheesy. I welcome cheesy! Especially in the fall. I know that we often get caught up in what feels socially acceptable but I say bring on all the things that spark a little joy, you know? Sometimes a tech background is all you need to remind you that life is simple if you let it be. There is a download option before each background (desktop + tech) so you can easily add to your library.
September always feels like a reset. A mom’s new year, if you will. I really thrive in the next few months and September 1st always feels like a chance to refocus. Personally, I’m really leaning in to the next few months and planning to better focus on myself. The things that I envision for my business, for my health, giving myself a break and a chance to rest, setting the scene and letting my own reality be what it needs to be. I want to celebrate little joys as we transition from summer to fall! Think candles, coffee with friends after a workout class, fresh flowers, grocery shopping, cooking elaborate breakfasts, stretching, a good skincare routine and giving myself a break. September feels like a good time to breathe between the rush of summer and the heavy holiday calendar that will be here before we know it. A chance to start again!

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Anyways, hello September! I can’t help but be a little excited that these months are ahead for us. I love fall and all the travel on the holiday horizon. What are you most looking forward to??