Fashion’s revolving door continues to spin ’round and ’round. Last month, Chanel named Matthieu Blazy its new artistic director. His replacement at Bottega Veneta? Louise Trotter, who had previously designed for Carven and Lacoste. Now, we have another big shakeup. The founders of Proenza Schouler, Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez, are leaving the brand they established in 2002. Their last day will be January 31, 2025. Word is that they’ll design for Loewe next, but this has yet to be confirmed.
“We have always valued risk-taking and a sense of adventure and feel ready to open ourselves up for whatever comes next.” Hernandez said in a statement. His collaborator shared his own thoughts about the change. “We will miss working each and every day with the extraordinary teams that we have built at Proenza Schouler, who are like family to us,” McCollough said. “We could never have experienced the highs we have had over the years without their hard work and dedication to our vision, nor could we have sustained the more difficult moments without their unwavering support and faith in what we do.”