Last year I sort of gave myself a break when it came to work (compared to previous years). I leaned in to my family, didn’t get wrapped up in the comparison game, focused on fewer brand partners, purged the accounts I was consuming on social media, closed the door on certain areas of my business (the podcast) and gave myself time to be. I let go of expectations and trying to be everything for everyone. I Leaned in to what genuinely brings me joy and really tried to weed out everything else.

I have spent years and years on social media worried about everyone’s opinions. It is hard to consume comment after comment, day after day, having words be misinterpreted, having your content be called boring or whiny or not relatable or fake. The daily fear of someone posting assumptions about you online knowing the internet is a vessel for people to dump their own unhappiness. Last year I realized that a huge part of being influential is showing people what’s important. Family, creating magical moments at home, being honest about the realities of being a parent, a spouse, a friend, a woman. I’ve seen and felt first hand (as my own consumer of social media and content!) the power of influence and what I actually need at this moment in my life. For me that is conversation, community, a friend, a safe place, slower days and reminders to savor life rather than rush through it. It is a thought that I want to carry with me as I create for you.

I’ve never manifested my years ahead. I’ve never created a collage or visualized opportunities or set crazy high goals. I sort of stick to a few personal “things that would be cool!” and hope for the best. But this year I want to remind myself and you that literally anything is possible. A big reason I never visualize things for myself is because more often than not I fear opportunity and change. I don’t live in a growth mentality for fear that it would change parts of my life that I don’t want to change. I feel safe in the present.
I was awake in the middle of the night having a moment of intrusive thoughts where I feared the worst case scenario in the most random situations. I got mad at myself for how often I live in fear and let it consume my mind. I told myself over and over the opposite scenario! What could happen if it was positive or never existed at all?

So this year I am manifesting joy and all that it can do for my life as a whole. If I lean into joy then my content becomes more defined, my community benefits from it, my brand partners see success in it and in turn, my life and my family becomes more bountiful! I am manifesting stronger habits to help me release fear from my mindset and help me create the type of content that I want to create. I want to be more disciplined with my time and energy. I have more specifics that I wrote down in my journal because another thing I want to do is stop proclaiming change and start MAKING change!
So what are you manifesting this year?? Write it down!
photos by SLK Photo.