Fashion / Celebrity Style

Lucy Boynton Just Made Me Reconsider This Skirt Trend

Ask anyone I grew up with and they’ll probably tell you that it’s no surprise I ended up working in fashion. A plaid green kilt was my uniform for nearly a decade, followed by a slightly more relaxed dress code full of khaki pants and blazers when I switched to a co-ed high school. Whenever I could, I rebelled.

Whether skirting the rules by wearing opaque tights with too-short skirts, or triggering updates to the dress code after I tied the ends of my hair hot pink á la Avril Lavigne, uniform dressing was decidedly not for me.

So color me shocked when the supremely stylish Lucy Boynton stepped out at the London photo call for A Cruel Love: The Ruth Ellis Story, in head-to-toe Celine looking straight out of my yearbook—albeit, much more glam than your average ’00s teen. Just swap Boynton’s vest for a navy blue blazer and that’s more or less the ensemble still buried in my hometown closet, Mary Janes and all.

(Image credit: Getty Images)

On Lucy Boynton: Celine shirt, vest, skirt, and shoes