Fashion / Celebrity Style

In Defense of Angsty Beauty

Ah, the sweet hallmarks of springtime beauty—a smudged ring of eyeliner, a muted color palette, and a whiff of dry, dead flowers. I’m, of course, being facetious. It certainly doesn’t paint the most “springy” picture, does it? Yet my conversations with experts, editors, and industry folk over the past several months have been punctuated by pouty buzzwords: gritty, exhausted, angry, unbothered. Beauty is in its rebellion phase, it seems, and it’s only expected to soar in the coming weeks. This spring, I’ll see your dewy, flushed cheeks and raise you a serving of ice-cold teenage angst.

The Brat-ification of, well, everything has surely played a significant role. But if you thought it was just a fleeting, green-tinged summer 2024 phase, you are sorely mistaken. Charli XCX (with an honorable mention to her troupe of It girls) has become the poster child of a much larger movement toward intense, defiant beauty—and the movement was a long time coming.

You likely already know that beauty trends exist on a pendulum, but right now, we’re smack-dab in the middle of the ride. “As we go into the middle of a decade, there is always a pushback on something that existed prior,” celebrity makeup artist and beauty historian Erin Parsons explains. The early ’90s were defined by minimal, supermodel makeup, which evolved into the grunge era a few years later. The 2010s—brimming with beauty vloggers championing full beats—were quickly followed by a “clean girl” era in 2020. Now, as we enter 2025, the tables have once again turned toward intense, imperfect grungy looks. Think Tom Ford for Gucci’s fall/winter 1996 makeup, which has recently seen a renaissance. According to a popularity index by consumer data company Spate, this aesthetic has grown by 6.5% across platforms compared to last year, and has surged by 45.2% on TikTok.