
I Traveled 3635 Miles to Learn How to Get Rid of Dark Spots

I’d do virtually anything to get rid of my stubborn, post-acne dark spots. Test every skin-brightening formula under the sun? Yep. Pray to a higher power? Been there (multiple times). Take a seven-hour flight to the biggest skin aesthetics conference in the world? I’m game, especially when I can attend the lecture of one of the most decorated (and chic, might I add) derms in the biz.

Suzan Obagi, MD, is quite literally the definition of “a wealth of knowledge.” She’s not only the chief medical director at Obagi (the eponymous medical-grade skincare brand) but also an associate professor of dermatology and plastic surgery at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine with over 50 (yes, 50!) publications in peer-reviewed dermatologic journals. So when I received the opportunity to follow her to Paris for this year’s IMCAS conference, suffice it to say I was stoked. What made me even giddier was finding out Obagi would lead an entire presentation on the exact skin issue I’ve been struggling with: hyperpigmentation. “Evening out skin tone [is] the most common reason people see the dermatologist,” she told me over coffee a couple days before the event. Given the complexity of different types of discoloration—post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, melasma, sunspots—this makes total sense. Still, it’s good to know I’m not alone!

It’s been over a month since the conference, and I’m still thinking about Obagi’s tailored advice (which included some piping-hot takes). No need to travel over 3000 miles for the main takeaways—here, all the skin-transforming tips I learned from the lecture and my personal chat with the sought-after derm herself.

1. Apply Antioxidants Twice a Day