Isn’t it wild how social media responds to our current fixations? I’m on a journey to get back to basics with my health commitment (while always maintaining a level of balance). More protein, more weights, more walking, eating less while consuming more. I have always had a dedicated exercise routine but have sort of fallen off any true commitment to my health goals since honestly having George. I do enough to get by while also generally being conscious about the foods that we eat and what I’m cooking. I’m realizing as I inch closer to 40 that it’s time to switch things up a bit.

If you’ve been here for a while you’ll remember that after I had Jack I really committed to getting back into shape. I hired a personal trainer who I worked with for 2+ years, I dabbled in Faster Way to Fat Loss to lose the final extra pounds and really turned my body into a fat burning machine. At the same time I was working out 7 days a week, never really giving myself a break. This was up until Covid hit, our gym closed and I then got pregnant with George. Looking back I was a little too intense about my routine, feeling guilty for missing days or treating myself. I would love to find a happy medium between the two! My body really gets comfortable and I have to switch it up to see results. So we are back to the beginning, committing to more weights and some new cardio. I am doing Heather Robertson’s 5.0 12 Week Challenge at home. I LOVE her weight workouts. I also joined a gym! I’m revisiting some older treadmill workouts that I used to do for a some cardio bursts. I tracked my macros last week which always opens my eyes to the depth of my meals (I need a little reminder/kick in the butt).

Bottom line with anything fitness related, I need to find a balance that works for me. It is so easy to get caught up in suggestions on social media, someone telling you that treadmill workouts will raise your cortisol or certain foods will have negative effects on your hormones. Anyone else feel like social media is one big “too much protein! not enough protein! your workouts are too intense! you need to be taking these supplements!” A little reminder that only you get to decide what works best for your body and your lifestyle. What works for someone else may not work for me! I have to remind myself of this with the wellness wave taking over social media.
I’m also someone who finds a lot of joy in cooking and enjoying a glass of wine with my friends/family. It is a form of self care that I look forward to at the end of the day! I’m a big believer that wellness isn’t all or nothing (and a big part of WELLness is living WELL). Sometimes the extremes are what push us into an endless pursuit for answers because nothing feels sustainable. Like everything else, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.