
What Happens When You Stop Drinking?

If you’re able to resist, the results will be worthwhile: you should start to experience better sleep, increased energy, and improved digestion by the 72-hour mark—and also noticeable skin clarity and increased levels of energy thanks to improved hydration. The liver, which is responsible for metabolizing alcohol, will also begin to reset and repair.

After one to two weeks

By now, you should be feeling a marked difference. Plus, any improvements you’ve recently noticed in your skin, energy, and sleep quality will only increase. Your immune system should be firing more effectively now, too, which can mean less chance of sickness, inflammation, and infection. Withdrawal symptoms should also have noticeably subsided at this point, freeing you to relish in your improved mental clarity and sharpness.

After one month

Like a downhill skier picking up speed, the momentum—and benefits—really start to build after a month of quitting drinking. Liver enzyme levels and blood pressure have normalized, reducing the risk of cirrhosis and heart disease. Cardiovascular levels are also improved, which may also contribute to weight loss and visible changes in your physique.

After three months

You may suddenly notice you’re seeing the world through a rosier lens. At three months, emotions and mental health have stabilized leading to a more positive outlook and much cheerier moods. You may be feeling more creative and motivated, too, as any alcohol-induced brain damage or shrinking should begin to repair. Sleep patterns should be completely regulated by now, which means you could be jumping out of bed faster than you ever have before.

After six months to a year—and beyond

This is when most people really start to feel like a whole new version of themselves in all ways. Everything from anxiety to depression to sexual function should be majorly improved by now—and will only continue to benefit as the body repairs. The risk of developing certain cancers, as well as liver and heart disease are also more markedly reduced. And, many people also report more fulfillment in their relationships and work as their self-esteem and confidence increase. “My feelings is that it truly takes one year for your body to return to normal,” Girgis says. This is also when you may decide to never look back again; when you realize that quitting alcohol might just be, as he puts it, “the best choice you will ever make.”

Tips for quitting alcohol and staying sober long-term

When it comes to staying on the wagon, both Grigis and Mezer say that it’s helpful to continue to set clear goals and seek support—whether that’s through a professional therapist, a medical advisor, family and friends, or organized groups. “Share your intentions with friends and family who can provide encouragement,” Mezer advises.

Express your intentions

Wiseman agrees that communicating your choices is essential when it comes to keeping yourself alcohol-free. “Talking through your changing relationship with friends isn’t always easy, but it’s an essential first step toward building support for your quest to live to your fullest potential,” he says. “You might be surprised by how supportive people are—and if not, you might be talking to the wrong people.”

Replace the habit

To that end, it’s also important to build support in other ways. Wiseman recommends creating new, healthy habits to replace your old routine. “Find an at-home hobby,” he says. “Pick up a book or do something that you’ve been putting off. Don’t overthink it; just start with five minutes and you’ll be amazed what can happen.”

Create a plan

When outside the home, it’s also a good idea to have a plan. “When going out to bars and restaurants with friends, look for spots with non-alcoholic options on their cocktail menus,” Wiseman advises. And, don’t be embarrassed to BYO back-up: “Pack one in your bag for the restaurants and bars that haven’t caught on to the sober-curious movement,” he recommends.

Nurture yourself

In the meantime, don’t neglect the self-care basics. “Nutrition and hydration are your friends,” says Grigis. “Choose healthy foods and beverages, and remember to be physically active—even if it’s just walking around the neighborhood.”

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