55. Elizabeth gets a tour of Darcy’s incredible house, Pemberley, with her aunt and uncle and appears to be quite taken with his art collection.
56. Wow, after all this talk of Mr. Darcy’s sister, Georgiana, we finally see her! Also, Elizabeth and co. were blithely walking around the house while Darcy was at home? Huh??
57. Oy, this chat between them is awkward. Darcy’s being sweet and Elizabeth’s being sweet, but she’s also feeling bad—probably about constantly misjudging him and touching all his stuff.
58. Georgiana is a good pianist! And suggests that Darcy has spoken very fondly of Elizabeth to her. 🙂
59. “Do you play duets, Miss Elizabeth?” “Only when forced.” Ha!!
60. Oy, Lydia has run away with Mr. Wickham…and married him! And Darcy paid for their wedding? Lord.
61. Oh, Bingley is back! And visiting the Bennetts with Darcy. Bingley will be in town a few weeks, but Darcy only a day? Everyone is in a tizzy.
62. God, two very shy people being in love (I’m talking about Jane and Bingley here) is such a disaster.
63. Okay, after a little prep with Darcy, Bingley finally gets Jane alone and comes out with it—but not before calling himself “the most unmitigated and comprehensive ass.” But anyhow, yay, Jane is finally engaged!
64. Oy, Lady Catherine hies to the Bennett house upon hearing a rumor that Darcy and Elizabeth are engaged…and tells Elizabeth that not only is she totally unsuitable in every way, but that Darcy and Catherine’s daughter have also been engaged since “infancy” (gross). Yet Elizabeth dismisses her, as is her way!
65. How do Elizabeth and Darcy just keep bumping into each other? This time it’s at dawn in a beautiful meadow—and we get another version of “Liz on Top of the World.” :’)
66. “You have bewitched me body and soul and I love…I love…I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on.” Darcy!
67. Oh my God, she kisses his hand. Hot!
68. Mr. Bennett is understandably confused, given how fraught the Lizzy–Darcy thing has been.
69. “He and I are so similar. We’re both so stubborn.” So true, Elizabeth.
70. Aw, Mr. Bennett is moved by this development.