I recently walked past a CVS with my almost-three-year-old and saw a window display blanketed with marshmallow peeps and plastic eggs. “What is that!!” Alice asked, mildly aghast, mostly titillated. “Those are Easter decorations!” Then I had to explain what Easter was. I leaned into the springiness of the holiday rather than the religious background (no nailing to crosses mentioned). I explained to Alice all the things one typically needed for a great Easter celebration: eggs to hide for a hunt, a perfect Easter basket to gather them in, bunny ears, and not least, lots of chocolate.
I’m Episcopalian, but my stepfather was Jewish, and I grew up only celebrating holidays for their cultural significance. My mom has always loved Easter; growing up, our big party of the year in Los Angeles was an egg hunt tucked under the bougainvillea and eucalyptus trees, followed by a heaving lunch buffet. Our beloved caterer, Paul (a sometimes working actor, naturally), would dress up in an adult-size bunny suit and hide all the eggs before dramatically hopping by, so we all squealed upon seeing the Easter Bunny.
Nowadays, I join my mother with my kids for an Easter brunch at her apartment. It’s a perfect moment to lean into garden-themed tableware–a radicchio serving bowl or salad-sized pitchfork and shovel to conjure Mr. McGregor’s garden?—as well as the sweetest spring centerpieces from vegetable surprise balls to carrot or egg candles, not to mention heaps of daffodils and tulips. So what’s in your Easter basket?
Vogue’s Favorite Easter Decorating Ideas:
Tabletop Decor
Baby animals, trompe l’oeil garden references and gingham party crackers make a pastel fantasia of your Easter tabletop. I like whimsy and color on a spring table, not to mention a little critter. The below tick all those boxes.
Sweet Treats
I love animals and I love chocolate so chocolate animals are a total delight, especially when they spark spring spirit. From eggs to sheep to ladybugs, chocolate in all forms! Not to mention my favorite panoramic sugar eggs that were always my favorite growing up.
Egg Hunt Essentials
Easter baskets and egg hunts can satisfy all ages and types. Try a monogrammed, Liberty-print bunny backpack for stashing your hand-painted eggs and a rabbit print tea set for post-hunt refreshment.
Outfits for Every Occasion
Few things are cuter than kids dressed up in bunny ears and primed to egg hunt. Outfit them in some floral-print sneaker sandals or La Coqueta’s sweetest Lilac print dress.